Our Way to Sustainability

Our Company is a member of Marubeni Group enterprises that Marubeni Corporation invests 100% capital in stocks.

1.Marubeni Materiality

Basic Approach
In accordance with the spirit of the Company Creed of “Fairness, Innovation, and Harmony,” Our Company is proudly committed to social and economic development and safeguarding the global environment by conducting fair and upright corporate activities. In order for Our Company to fulfill its responsibilities as a member of society, it is essential for each Our Company employee to perform their work activities with a strong awareness of sustainability for the global environment and society. By diligently addressing Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) issues, and working to achieve sound management that co-exists in harmony with the environment and society, we believe we can be recognized by society as an even better corporate citizen, and achieve sustainable growth. Our Company aims to earn the trust of all stakeholders as a corporate group with high ethical standards.

The sustainability of the global environment and society that is the goal of Our Company cannot be achieved only through the thoughts and actions of the Marubeni group employees. It is crucial to always be receptive to the opinions of stakeholders and to devise measures together, as well as implementing them. Marubeni Corporation and Our Company are building the foundations for a sustainable corporate group by earning the trust of our various stakeholders and working to fulfill expectations and deliver benefits.

The initiatives at Marubeni addressing Environmental, Social and Governance issues are being implemented based on the policies outlined below, including the Company Creed. There is also careful attention paid to international regulations and guidelines to clarify the important issues, and to verify the directions of our activities.

2.Identification and review process of material issues for sustainability

Based on our stakeholders’ expectations and concerns, and Marubeni’s impact on the environment and society, we identify and address issues that have high materiality in line with the following two themes.

1.Our Company fulfills its responsibility toward the environmental and social impact of its businesses.

2.Our Company solves social and environmental issues while strengthening its competitiveness, leading to sustainable growth.

We believe that the material issues for sustainability must be constantly reviewed as the society and environment surrounding the company continue to change. Specifically, we perform regular reviews through dialogs with stakeholders and checks of the expectations from society, as well as constantly analyzing the impact on the company.

Marubeni Power & Infrastructure Systems Corporation