Supply Chain Management

Basic Supply Chain Sustainability Policy

1.Marubeni Power & Infrastructure Systems does not stop at achieving strong Sustainability results for itself, but also supports the achievement of strong Sustainability results throughout its supply chain, with the objective of building an environmentally friendly, healthy and sustainable society.

2.Marubeni Power & Infrastructure Systems requests the understanding and cooperation of its business partners in the observance of the “Supply Chain Sustainability Guidelines” set forth below, so that Marubeni Power & Infrastructure Systems, together with its business partners, can facilitate highly efficient Sustainability results.

3.Supply Chain Sustainability Guidelines

1)Observance of Laws
Observe the applicable laws of each relevant country and the various countries affected by the transaction.

2)Respect for Human Rights
Respect human rights, without discrimination, physical, verbal, sexual and other forms of harassment or inhumane treatment.
No child labor, forced labor, inappropriate wage abatement, or excessive working hours.
Proper management of employees' work hours, breaks and holidays and prohibition of excessive overtime work.
Payment of the legally mandated minimum wage and endeavoring to pay at least a living wage. No inappropriate wage abatement.
Respect employees' right to unionize for the purpose of negotiations between labor and management and to bargain collectively.

3)Preservation of the Environment
Recognize that climate change issues are important and respond appropriately.
Protect nature. Minimize environmental impact, and prevent pollution.

4)Fair Transactions
Conduct fair transactions, and do not inhibit free competition.
No bribery or illegal contributions, and prevent corruption.

5)Safety and Health
Secure safety and health in the workplace, and maintain a good working environment.

6)Quality Control
Maintain the quality and safety of products and services.

7)Disclosure of Information
Including the items mentioned above, appropriately disclose company information.

4. As part of this Policy, the Marubeni Group has set out the following procedures for dealing with vendors that do not meet labor standards.

ⅰ)When it comes to light that a vendor has failed to meet labor standards relating to 1) Observance of Laws, 2) Respect for Human Rights or 5) Safety and Health, we will as necessary, ask the vendor to:
· Ascertain the facts, and
· If the facts are true, prepare a report on the background of the issue and improvement measures.
Depending on circumstances, we may also inspect the vendor.

ⅱ)If we determine that improvement measures are insufficient, we will request that further measures be taken.

ⅲ)If, despite implementing steps (ⅰ) and (ⅱ) above, the situation does not improve, we will examine whether to continue our relationship with the vendor.

Marubeni Power & Infrastructure Systems Corporation