Marubeni Power & Infrastructure Systems Corporation (President: Hiroki Goto, “MPSC”) has been awarded the Long Term Service Agreement for Bibiyana III Combined Cycle Power Plant (“LTSA Contract”) from Bangladesh Power Development Board (“BPDB”) and signed the contract. Marubeni Corporation was awarded a lump-sum contract on Full Turn-Key basis by BPDB for the construction of this power plant, which has already been completed and is now in commercial operation. MPSC will execute remote monitoring of the power plant and planned maintenance for key components (including Gas Turbine and Generator) for 7 years.
Bibiyana III Combined Cycle Power Plant is located in about 200km northeast of Dhaka having installed capacity of 400MW. Through this LTSA Contract, MPSC will contribute for the stable operation of this power plant together with Mitsubishi Power, Ltd.
In Bangladesh, several new electric power development plans have been established in order to support fast growing demand of electricity due to the rapid economic development. MPSC will continue to seek opportunities to contribute to stable power supply in Bangladesh.
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